Coral Reef Elementary VolunteersGet Involved...Volunteer! 

When you volunteer, all students benefit. There are many opportunities for parents and community members to get involved. Your help is needed! Complete the Volunteer Interest form and we will be in touch with you. 
CRE PTA Volunteer Interest Form


If volunteering will take you beyond the front office of Coral Reef Elementary, a background check is required. Background Checks should be submitted at least two weeks prior to volunteering. And it must be completed once per school year.   HOW TO GUIDE HERE 
MDCPS Volunteer Registration and Clearance


Fun Fair Chair - Like to lead?  We urgently need someone to organize and delegate tasks to volunteers to ensure that this year's annual family Fun Fair event in the Spring is a huge success.  





Specific Volunteer Interest

Get Fit Fundraiser

Help organize and/or volunteer for our biggest fundraiser of the year. Our Fun Run takes place September 25th. 


Fall Festival
Help organize this fun, fall-themed family event.     

Club Coodinator
Assist VP of Programs with club recruitment, organization, and volunteers.            

Hospitality Team
Plan and organize food, drinks, and paper goods at various events, programs, and fundraisers.     

Student of the Month
Promote student of the month program and update bulletin board.         

Pop-Up Shop / Spirit Wear
Sell and/or distribute CRE merchandise at the PTA's spirit wear shop. 


Teacher Appreciation
Coordinate teacher appreciation activities and put birthday card in teacher/staff mailbox on their birthday. (Cards provided by PTA)          

Yearbook Photos
Take photos of school-wide events and submit to yearbook. Take photos of kids at different activities  

Copy Team
Make and sort copies for PTA events and monthly newsletter.                

Silent Auction
Solicit auction donations for the silent auction, which takes place at the Fun Fair in February.      

CRE Talent Show
Help organize tryouts, rehearsals, and promote the spring talent show.          

Media Center
Help Mrs. Blanco with organizing the books in the library.            

Assist Treasurer
Assist PTA treasurer with the many duties of this important job. Meticulous, detail-orientated person a plus.            


Every Kid Healthy
Help organize health centered activities.  

5th Grade Committee
Help with various events to raise money for and plan the fifth grade end-of-year activities.  

Family Night
Organize family nights and playdates to build our CRE community feel.    


Plan activities to encourage men to get involved at school.         

Square 1 Art
Deliver art to classrooms when they arrive to school. May event          

Book Fair
Help kids saddle up and read by Volunteering @ our Book Fair! Happens twice a year.  


Volunteer Opportunities - PTA Clubs
Volunteer created and lead clubs that enhance the minds of our children!

Garden Club
Garden Club explores how to positively impact our environment. Coordinator will plan activities for monthly meetings and reserve guest speakers.        

Run Club
Is running in your DNA? Please come coach and help run activities on a weekly schedule. Day TBD by head coach.                

Jr. Book Club
Help our book club leader read engaging stories to the children, supervise activities, and arrange guest authors

Art Club
Love art? Come share your knowledge with our students! Organize and coordinate art activities. Meeting days and time to be scheduled by lead volunteer.         

Sewing Club
Help teach a life skill in a fun way. Starting from beginner to more advanced fun activities as our students progress. Repurposing will be emphasized and will highlight sustainable practices and creativity.     


Drama Club

Help bring out the Star in our students as volunteers supervise and assist with engaging our students in various theatrical activities. 


Start a New Club
You are interested in starting a new student club.


General Volunteer Interest

If you have read all the volunteer opportunities and can't make up your mind. Do not worry! We can add you to our list and send you opportunities as they become available via email.
















